About Us
Nationally as well as internationally recognized DOGAR PUBLISHERS (NTN-1133541-6) is one of the leading trademarks in the sphere of publishing books. Dogar Publishers is considered a key of success in the competitive examinations. We believe in quality not quantity. We believe in leveraging on the latest publishing technology to deliver quality products and services for the benefit of our customers and partners. Moreover, we are exploring globally our business in the other countries/regions, towards a wider canvas i.e. Dogar Group of Companies.
Our story
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Nunc elementum porta tempus. In gravida nisi at dui eleifend lobortis. Vestibulum lobortis, leo at laoreet ornare, ante lectus commodo nisl, varius pellentesque velit justo eget purus. Aliquam tortor massa, elementum at tellus.